history of events for 9 users

Date: sept 2001
Location: Delft + Ehv
Method: HTML + JS
Comms: ICQ
9 users?
- It started out with
a technical question about users by Hm3rtje teK
- Which got answered the
technical way by BioniK
- Millstone screamed 'is that important' in a big size 7 font
- Here it evolved when BioniK showed the world
a stunning HTML coded 999 pixels font shouting out: 'SURE'
- Millstone included two smilies and just said
'show-off !'
- SpaceParanoid smiled at Bionik that the purpose
he himself was here for mental rest !
- the world came to see a bigger then screen 1500
HTML coded yellow font by Pluggie screaming 'REALLY KEWL THIS!!!'
- Pluggie stated Bionik his skills, put a beyond recognisition
1 pixels HTML text, and implemented an external bgsound
- That this was going nowhere anymore ! was stated by oozi
- zwetz just laughed
- H3NrY thought this was enough and disabled HTML
- H3NrY after some negociations stated
this could be a playground and enabled HTML again
- a small HTML text was made by SpaceParanoid who embarked
his first HTML lesson
- Pluggie thanked H3NrY and stated that this was only
a creative matter
- then it all became dynamic when BioniK launched the
genious 'and the site goes on the beat' vertical script
- RuupY enthousiastically asked if it was possible to fool around
with colors and if it was possible to make a caleidoscope
- In the meantime BioniK was quoted and a small error
ocurred. SpaceParanoid stated the difficulty of replying :-)
- Pluggie stated UP and DOWN but did not launch 'in the mix'
because of the danger with older non-duplex soundcards
- the wizard of Ozz became BioniK himself with his second
script, only remarking 'and he can even do that'
- dalunatic emphasizes that he finally saw a creative site, finally
in Dutch and without subtitles
- HTML was disabled by the moderator and all scripting
emerged as texts.
Which in a way was art since the scripts used very peculiar variables.